Saturday, May 28, 2011

Misc April

Nate got and lost his very own Rollerblades.  When they arrived, he was so excited.  Practically slept in them.  Wore them throughout the house, at dinner and first thing when he woke up in the morning while still in PJ's.  He loved having them at Skate night.  Things were going great, until I saw a big scratch on the Pathfinder.  Nate admitted to finding a nail on the ground and using it to "draw" on the car.  We were not happy about it, especially since this happened less than a month after he scratched the neighbors car.  We boxed up the Rollerblades and mailed them back as punishment.  Although we are thinking about getting him another pair for graduating Kindergarten,

Enjoying a nice bottle of wine on our patio.  Notice anything different?  We took down the fence.  It's been great, the yard feels bigger and looks so much better.  The only real drawback is that whenever the dog is hot, she goes swimming and we're not ready to let the wet dog in the house.

Here's Nate's Easter present.  Second time we've gotten him a bike for Easter.  Without another holiday, we're sort of making up a reason to get him a bike as he was ready to go up to a 20" bike.  He loves it.

Every so often the school sends home a book that is full of his entire classes artwork on a particular subject.  For this project, the kids had to complete the sentence "If I were a present, I would be a ____ for ___" and draw a picture of it.  Nate said he would be a Lego Star Wars for his uncle Nene.  He loves when Nene takes the time to sit with him and build lego's together.

Every kid gets a turn or two at catcher.  Nate 's turn and he's all dressed up with no where to go.

Moving Day!  During spring break we took a few days to focus on getting G-pa moved out of his condo.  We're in the process of fixing it, selling it and moving him to Roseville so he can be closer to us.  Nate was certainly in the spirit of moving and happy to box himself up.

Nate and G-pa ready to move.

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