Monday, May 16, 2011

T=Ball Strike 2

Nate all dressed in the Pirates uniform.  Here he is taking a swing at  the ball.
Running to first base after he pounded a hit almost to 2nd base.

Nate show his mad baseball skills by sliding/falling into first base.  Coaches working hard to get them to run through the base, but Nate doesn't listen well to those instructions.

Nate gets a little bored while playing, both fielding and while waiting for a fellow batter to drive him in.

He does get excited when someone finally hits the ball and he has something to do.  

Rounding the bases and heading for home.  Perfect form for sliding into home and avoiding the tag, or not.

His formal T-ball shot.

Here's the entire team and the coaches.

These pictures were taken at Richard's field on opening day, which was also picture day, even though they had no game scheduled.

Lining up to head out for pictures.

Almost looks like a real baseball player here

After the formal photos, the kids got to go to the "big" field and run from third to home while getting their name called over the loudspeaker.  

The slide into home.  

Nate and his team mates posing for photos.

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