Monday, July 11, 2011

May Updates

It's been a busy time for us.  I don't know how many times I right that its busy for us, certainly seems like a lot.  Maybe I'm just making excuses for not posting in awhile, or maybe we just haven't been around much.  Anyway, here's a hodgepodge post of different things that we did in May, yes I know it's July.  I'll have more posts up soon trying to bridge the gap.
Nate with his spring formal photo.

Nate was scheduled to perform in a school play.  He's playing a Robin.
We attended the dress rehearsal of the play, couldn't go to the real play, as Nate had his tonsils and adenoids removed.
Here I am reading to Nate before he's set to go into surgery.  He was a trooper, a little scared, but generally took it pretty well.

In the recovery room at Kaiser.  They allowed him almost 90 minutes before we put him in the car to take him home.
My poor little guy, he was so upset about losing his tonsils.  His throat was in so much pain.  We were able to give him pain medicine every 4-6 hours an he needed it.  He was miserable.  He'd being crying hysterically saying he wanted his tonsils back.  It took nearly the full two weeks for him to recover.  He's all good now, but it caused him to miss the school play and the field trip to the zoo.

For Mother's day, we had a quite day.  I got some cheese, crackers and wine for Maria .

 We also got her a hammock to rest on.  She quickly realized that resting with Nate on the hammock was a short lived experience.  She spent more of her time trying not to fall out.   

Jimmy, Emily and Nate also liked the hammock.

We went to an open house at Merryhill school.  The same group that Nate did his pre-school with.  A new location, but where they teach K-6.  We signed him up for their summer program.  

Nate's been practicing on the monkey bars.

He really likes to swing.

HP had their annual day at Discovery Kingdom.  OR what I've always known as Marine World.

Here's nate eating one of his favorite treats cotton candy.  He really got into this batch, had it all stuck to his eye lashes.

Nate got invited up to be one of the dolphin trainers on the day at Marine World.  I  don't think he realized how special it was that he was chosen.  He liked it, but wanted to actually get in and swim with the dolphins.  

                                           Here's the video of Nate and the dolphins.
Here we are soaked after riding the roaring rapids ride.  It wouldn't have been so wet, but they have these fountains you can pay $0.25 and shoot at the people riding by.

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