Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Nate dying Easter eggs.  Step one in making a kitchen messy.

Step two involved putting glue and glitter on the eggs.  So much glitter in fact, we still can't get rid of it.  two weeks later and we're still finding glitter in our food.  The eggs did look great though and Nate had a blast doing it.

Nate on Easter morning, getting ready to open his Easter basket.  So excited to finally get some Bey Blades.  He's been wanting them for a long time.

Nate and daddy all dressed up for Easter. 

Doesn't he look like a reporter from the 1950's?

Of course this is a pose he prefers, showing off his slick dance moves.

So many eggs, for so many kids.

Nate racing to get eggs filled with candy.

Emily, Nate and Jimmy searching for eggs.

Nate with all the neighbor kids who came over.  Claudia didn't come out, she was too afraid she might see  the 6 foot Easter Bunny.

Most of the kids were excited to see the bunny, but for some it was scarier than any Halloween monster.

Jimmy, Emily and the Easter Bunny

Nate posing with the bunny.

Has anyone seen my eggs?

Tom getting frisky with the Bunny.

The Slaters family photo.

German, Dina and the Easter Nene.

The Knight's, our newest neighbors.

The Easter bunny getting frisky with Dani.  They were making out like...

Doing the bunny dance?

The Green family photo

Love the expression on his face here.

Easter Bunny and most of the kids.

Nate with his formal bunny photo from the mall.

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