Thursday, September 29, 2011

First Soccer Game

At Nate's level of soccer, we don't keep track of score, so I can't tell you that his team won 7-3.

What I can tell you is Nate likes the idea of playing goalie, because he prefers to use his hands.

Of course he gets to wear the cool goalie shirt as well.

He spent a quarter in the net, even blocked a shot or two.  He did let the other team score one goal.  At halftime he came over and said he let the other team score a goal because he wanted the other team to get one too.

Nate got a couple of shots to kick the ball

He put everything into kicking the ball as hard as he could.

But when the action was on the other end of the field he was bored.

Another free kick

He got a lot of leg into this one

He came back in the second half and wanted to play out on the field, here is one of his attempts at a goal.

I'm not entirely sure of soccer rules, but I'm pretty sure he was held here.

Now soccer at this age is best described by Brad as bunch ball.  The coaches work hard to have the kids not move in a swarm around the ball.  Which is great in concept.  However when Nate got bored and was no where near the action, his excuse was he didn't want to bunch the other kids.

Nate taking the ball after the other team scored.  Overall he enjoys it, although I think he likes the practices more, because he can play on the playground before and after practice.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Summer potpourri

As we wound down summer, I wanted to capture a number of activities that happened that I haven't already devoted a blog entry too.
Summer seems to end earlier each year.  Nate began first grade, with school starting on Aug 24th.  I recall that I was never in school on my birthday until college and now it seems the summers are getting shorter and shorter.
Nate all ready for his first day at school. He was so proud that he's a big kid now.

He gets his very own desk.  Biggest disappointment for him was not knowing what to put in his desk.  Wanted to fill it with toys.

First action of a first grader was to find your desk and begin coloring.

As Karate wound down, we missed the first few soccer practices as they overlapped.  We finally got Nate to practice and he quickly adapted to the faster pace of soccer.

What has become an annual trip for Maria and Nate, a trip down the Truckee river.  I wasn't able to make it as I was working, but Lilia and the kids did it for the first time and really liked how much easier it is than do the American river.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Labor Day

Labor day weekend was spent poolside, BBQ, golf and great friends.  Chicken and ribs were a highlight of the BBQ weekend.  Our friends brought a bunch of side dishes and we ate like kings all weekend.

At night, the kids moved their party indoors to play Wii.  Luckily they were under the close watch of Terry, who was passed out on the couch after laying sod in the hot sun all day.

During the day, adults were regulated to the shallow end or the edges of the pool as the waves from all the kids jumping caused to much havoc in the deeper pool areas.

Some kids needed a little help getting into the pool.

Others were looking for active targets to bomb.

Party got a little out of hand when the sheriff came for a visit.  Luckily he was able to be subdued with ribs.  Kids got a real kick out of turning on the siren and talking into the PA.

Maria got an photography lesson and was checking out how to take some low light photos.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Jump in

We spent a lot of time this summer in and out of the pool.  Below is a bunch of pool photos, they all sort of run together as we had people over frequently and the kids never get tired of playing in the pool.

Nate spent quite a bit of time trying to perfect his canon ball.

Shayne showing off his Michael Jackson jump

Nate and Ethan

Even Claudia got in on the action.  Great to see her swimming without a vest.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Yellow Belt

As we wind down Nate's first Karate class, it was time to begin testing.

Nate and his new buddy Wyatt

Together they battled the other white belts

Nate likes to add a bit of drama to the punch, really putting his whole body into it.

The students went through their 8 step Kata's, with all the instructors watching to make sure they do it right.

Then they had to demonstrate the different blocks they learned

And they would finish off their Kata's with a yell. which some did much louder than others.

Finally they paired the kids up and had one punching and one blocking.  No actual contact, just watching the movements.
In the end Nate and Wyatt got their yellow belts.  Wyatt will be continuing in the fall, but we decided to hold Nate out.  He was a little bored with the repetitive nature of Karate and was busy focusing on Soccer, faith confirmation and Boy scouts.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Folsom Lake

As we returned from Seattle, we arrived home just in time to meet the Cottles.  Our first activity was a day on Folsom Lake.

Nate was not happy about wearing the life vest all day, but as we told him, it's the law. 
One of Nate's favorite activities was driving the pontoon boat.

Claudia and Dani on the lake. 

German and Claudia

Mike and Lilia

Oh captain, my captain.  German liked being in charge of the boat.

Nate and his stated future wife Chloe

Mike teaching Nate the finer points of driving a boat, like how to avoid the shore.

The Ossa's enjoying the sun.  While the day started out rather chilly it turned into a very nice day on the lake and the lake water was warm, maybe even warmer than our pool.

Shayne and Chloe riding the inner tube, which is the highlight of our boating trips.

Nate and I enjoying our time on the tube.

Nate loved the tube, but surprisingly asked to not go too fast.

Claudia got on and had fun with Nene

Nate took a turn with Shayne and Chloe, although I think Nate kept the speed a little slow for them.