Friday, May 13, 2011

Spring Skiing

We went ahead and purchased season passes at Northstar/heavenly for next year.  Buying in advance meant we got free passes for the day this season.  We took Friday off and went up and enjoyed the great conditions.  Very warm skiing, shorts and t-shirt all that was needed.  We were only 4 days after Northstar just got hit with another 10 feet of snow from the previous storm.  It was scheduled to freeze again the following day and wanted to get up before it got too icy.

Spring skiing at Northstar.  T-shirts were plenty to keep you warm today
Nate and I ready to head down from the very top of Northstar.

Maria and I riding up the lift together

Nate and I got in on the action.  Maria called it quits early and Nate wanted to get in a few more runs before we called it a day.

Nate chose to head down this run.  Check out the view of Lake Tahoe in the background.

Maria and Nate enjoying the photo op with the Lake.  Great day for skiing.  
Nate had fun skiing, but wasn't his usual speedy self.  He fell several times, usually while trying to do Karate while skiing.  He wanted to be there and had a good time, but just didn't seem that focused.
By the end of the day Nate was exhausted and ready for a ride back to the car with all the gear.

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