Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Swim Lessons

Monday Nate started his "Duck" swim lessons. He is going everyday this week from 6 to 6:30pm. Next week he moves up to "Alligator" lessons. Mon and Tues, as we've left to go to the lesson, he's been crying lots and complaining that he wants to go into the spa. He says he prefers the spa and cries all the way there, repeating I want spa, I want spa right now! The above picture is him pouting in the back of the car because he doesn't want to go.

Nate with his instructor Amanda.

Right now they are teaching him to blow bubbles, kick and scoop with his arms. He has no fear of putting his face in the water. It's sort of like he is trying to head butt the pool when he puts his head down in such a violent fashion.

One of the things they try and say to get the kids to put their face in the water was to look for fishes, or to look for the shark in the drain. Nate got a kick out of this, and it reminded Maria and I of the time in Hawaii, where Nate went under a wave, came out spooked, ran up to Maria and told her he saw fishes!!!
In swim class 30 minutes before Nate is our neighbors, Jimmy and Emily. So we get there a little early to watch them and get Nate all excited about jumping into the pool.

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