Friday, April 10, 2009

Run Dog Run

I've mentioned it before, but Lilo really likes running on the treadmill. Here's a little video of her doing it. She was going at 5 MPH, which seems to be a nice little jog for her. This was a short run for the video, but she went for about 25 minutes earlier today. It's been great getting her some exercise when the weather hasn't been great for taking her outside to play or walk. It helps burn off some of that puppy energy.

We saw Marley and Me the other night, and were surprised at how good it was. We can certainly relate to a lot of the things in the movie. In particular the point where she's screaming to get rid of the dog while trying to take care of the kids. Lilo is no where near as bad as Marley was, she has a lot more discipline, but still understand the frustration. Couldn't believe how bad Kathleen Turner looked in the movie. That was Jessica Rabbit.

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