What a wonderful Easter. We spread our Easter celebration over 2 days. On Sat we had Tony come home along with German and Dina. We wanted to have Lorraine come with us, but when Nate, Tony and I showed up to pick her up, she refused to go. She said she was not feeling well and wouldn't let us get to close. I think overall she was really depressed and didn't feel like doing much. We still had a good time. We got Tony a Hello Kitty themed Easter basket and she really liked it. One of the things in her basket was some chalk. When Nate saw it, he was quick to tell her that only to be used outside. Funny how you can hear Maria in his comments.

On Sunday, we started the day with Nate getting all dressed in his new Easter outfit. He helped me clean up and prepare our back yard for the party we were set to have in the afternoon. The Easter Bunny came by and dropped off a basket for Nate, which as you can see he was really excited to get. It had lot's of Disney themed items in it, Little Einsteins, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse etc. He also got some backyadigains toys. He's still really into the coins, so he got some of those really large toy coins, of course to Nate they're all quarters.

At 1pm, the neighborhood kids came by and joined the family as there was rumor that the Easter bunny was coming by. Nate was joined by his cousin Claudia, his buddy Jimmy pictured above. Below is Jimmy and his sister Emily posing for a photo op with the Easter Bunny.

Seen in the photo below is the kids rushing out to meet the bunny. Also pictured here is Jake, one of Nate's admirer's. Jake's brother Logan was not able to join us, but Jake had a great time. There's not to many photos of Claudia with the Easter Bunny as she was scared of the 6 foot rabbit.

After the Easter bunny moved on, Nate and Jimmy worked with Tom to see how far they could launch rockets. Tom helped set up the system and the kids loved jumping to see how far they could go. They succeeded in launching all the rockets into the neighbors yards.

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