Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Pool side in April?

With the recent heat wave, we've seen our pool temp rise. It was in the mid 90's yesterday and the pool got up to 76F. Nate and I spent the late afternoon checking the pool temp. It started by sitting around the pool, dangling our feet in the water, but it took all of 2 minutes before Nate stepped in. Within 5 minutes he had everything but his head fully soaked.
Lilo on the other hand, went straight into the pool as soon as the gate was opened. Almost like the movie Marley and Me, where the dog runs through the house(For sale open house) and jumps into the pool. The owner shouts who's dog is that?

Spent most of the afternoon at Eskaton. Spent time with Lorraine and then with the staff there discussing how she's doing. She's refusing to shower and even to get out of bed to go to the bathroom. She's spending most of her days sleeping. Since she wouldn't come home with us for Easter, I tried to convince her to join us this coming Sunday as we try and celebrate Tony's birthday. We'll see how it goes.

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