Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Here Comes Peter Cottontail

We were getting ready for the Easter celebration and I wanted to post a few photos and videos. We had Nate dye eggs. Maria didn't want to do this, only thought about the mess that would be made. So while she was updating her Chile blog, I decided we'd just go ahead and start. She eventually joined us, but Nate and I got everything started.

We started with the standard PAAS dye kits that I remember from my childhood. While they now include more add on's (Stickers, holders, shrink wrap) it's still the dye tablet, vinegar, water and a hard boiled egg. We had 1 dozen eggs to work with and we started out by getting lot's of newspaper out to prevent spills. We didn't want to make Baba mad.

Nate's got a very cute habit now, makes it hard to correct him. As soon as we tell him he's done something wrong, or not to do something, he immediately says "I Sorry". It's so cute.

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