Monday, July 26, 2010

Elephant Seals

During the morning before Robert's wedding, we took off down the coast a few miles to check out the Elephant Seals lounging on the beach.
Dani, Red, Nene, Claudia and I walking from the car to the Seals.
Nate liked the Seals, especially when they moved.  However, he really liked to be a "Ham" for the camera.
Of course he's always susceptible to a good tickling.

I really like this shot of these two.  This was just before they started to attack each other, although it was more of a flop on top of each other.
This gut was noisy coming in from the water.  It was like he was calling out to someone.  The guide said that all the ones we saw on the beach were the males, lounging and the females were out at sea.
Nate can't get close enough to the action, he really wanted to jump down on the beach, but it was protected from humans ruining their environment.  Apparently the guide also mentioned that this was the only beach the Seals come ashore on the mainland, they usually only come on islands.  However, this area is protected by a kelp Forrest which keeps the great whites out and has a nice slope the allows them to get in and out easily.
The Seal gang, Chloe, Shayne, Dani, Nene, Claudia, Maria, Nate, Red, Mike & Lilia.
Now that looks like a relaxing day on the beach, however we now know they must be gay to be laying together like that.

Playing in the water.

The coastline was mostly foggy the whole time we were there.  This was a typical shot.  It wasn't until we got to Cambria or San Simeon that we started to see the sun.
Someone decided to go incognito and wear his shades.
Walking the streets of Cambria and saw a pet store.  They had these bottles of "Doggy Wine".  I loved the play on words to make them sound like real wine.

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