Let's jump right into it. The previous two years we've spent 4th of July in Manhattan Beach with the Cottle's. We've had lot's of fun and were all set to make it an annual tradition. As with most best laid plans, it went
north? This year, with all the events going on, the Cottle's agreed to migrate up to our place and we held the 4th party at our house, with our pool, smoker and new patio cover.

Lilia and Maria were here of course. Soaking up the ray's and a wee bit of alcohol.

Robert swung by to kick it in the pool. Everyone seemed to enjoy Maria's Christmas gift, this large green floating inner tube/island/king of the hill/throne.

We actually had a larger than usual grouping of girls joining our party. With our neighborhood predominately male children, we had Chloe, Claudia and Emily hanging out together.

Not to be out done, Nate and Jimmy took their turns on the green ring.

Nene proves he is king of the green ring, but the kids are mounting their attack.

Lilia's turn floating on the green ring. It was definitely a popular place to be, the challenge was how long you could stay on before someone else wanted a turn.

Rob and Tiffany stopped by for a little while, brought Zach and Sarah with them.

Mike, Rob and Nene start drinking early, not sure when or if they finished.

Here I am kicking it with Nate while we wait for the food to be finished.

Lilo enjoyed all the attention. It's teh first time she's been able to stay for one of these parties. We usually bring her to my father-in-law's, as there's always a worry about her in the pool with all the kids and people running around. She's ok as long as she has a ball, but she will not stop, always wanting someone to throw her the ball.

Mike, Maria, Lilia and Kim hanging out in the lounge chairs. Brad and Kim came by as well to enjoy the festivities.

Nate hanging in the spa, begging to jump in the pool with me.

Maria, Lilia and Chloe hanging out on the pool edge, trying to relax without getting too wet.

Of course with as many kids as we had, along with the childish adults, it becomes a water fight using guns, super soakers and the occasional cannon ball!!!

Maria taking aim as Mike goes in for a jackknife.

Nate attacking Baba from behind.

Mike is out numbered standing there all alone.

Nene getting in on the action.

No fair shooting the camera man, that's just plain mean.

Cannon Ball!!!!

Nene showing off his new physique after the biggest loser competition.

Here's my new smoker, my prize for winning the biggest loser contest. Now I have a delicious way to put it all back on.

You can see here we had a few ribs going on the smoker, along with some sausages. MMM good food.

We actually had enough kids come by, we could fill a kids table. Jake, Logan, Jimmy, Emily, Shayne, Chloe, Nate & Claudia enjoying some Hot Dogs.

Nene, Nate & Red relaxing and waiting for food. Of course as the pool party winds down, the real drinking begins.

And the theme of the evening becomes the song Shots Shots Shots by LMFAO, a frequent song to be heard in Vegas this year.

Lilo actually was almost tired by this point. It's getting dark and we're getting ready for fireworks.
But before we go, the "other" Mike Green had some advice for Mike Cottle and I, as we prepared to head out to Del Paso Country Club to play a round courtesy of Mike Green. There's way too many Mike's there, but somehow we made it work.
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