Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Next Stop London

We left Edinburgh this morning, we hated to go, but excited about seeing our family in the London suburb of Richmond.  We arrived to a wonderful home with very warm welcome.  We had a little lunch before heading out to scout out the train station we'll use tomorrow and then on to a little shopping.  We discussed heading in to London to see a show, but we were just too tired to do that in advance of the next 2 days where we have all day tours scheduled to see the bulk of London in a whirlwind tour.

Sitting on a bench down the hill from the Tatiana's flat.

Standing on the river Thames as the sun is going down.

Spending some precious time with the family, making us really miss being at home with Nate.

1 comment:

Robert said...

Hey where is a picture of my cousin???