Monday, October 20, 2008

Cross one off...

Mike and I completed something that's on every golfer's bucket list. We played a round at St. Andrews. It was everything we could have expected it to be. The first 12 holes had, for Scotland, wonderful weather. Not too breezy, no rain and even some sunshine. The last 6 holes or so were an absolute torture with the elements. 40-50 MPH winds, either blowing at us or across the course. Beautifully hit shots went way into the weeds. Solidly hit drives went no more than 150 yards. I still managed to finish with a respectable score for me, so I'm happy. After the round of golf we we went to see the museum of golf, something I could have spent a lot more time doing, but the day was getting late.

We also took a few photos as we strolled out onto the old course across the bridge.

It was really interesting to see the difference in course styles at Gullane and St. Andrews. The bunkers were bigger and more strategically placed at St. Andrews, but you had a bit more room to miss. Or should I say when you missed, it wasn't as punishing as it was at Gullane.
Tomorrow we're leaving at 7:30am to go play Muirfield. Need to bring a coat, shirt and tie, or they won't let us eat there. We were told we have to complete our rond in 3.5 hours or they'd kick us off. Should be a fun time.

1 comment:

Robert said...

I see a lot of golfing and not a lot of drinking...come on, where's the Scottish Whiskey!