Thursday, October 16, 2008

Mary Queen of Scots

I guess I may have been too ambitious on what we planned on seeing today. We arrived at the hotel around 1:30 pm. We grabbed a quick bite then back to hotel to freshen up. After connecting with the Cottles, we decided to meet at the Holyroodhouse Palace. Founded as a monastery in 1128, the Palace of Holyroodhouse in Edinburgh is The Queen's official residence in Scotland. We took the bus and walk down the royal mile to the Palace. We were trying to find Mike and Lilia, but no sign of them. We went and took the tour of the palace. After we finished we went to the gift shop and there was Mike and Lilia! It was awesome to hook up with them. Next to the palace is Arthurs Seat. An extict volcano. We would have loved to hike Arthur's Seat but not enough time or energy. So we dicided to go to Deacon Brodie's Tavern and have a few beers. Afterwards we went to have dinner at Gordons Tratorria on the Royal Mile. YUM!!! We had a delicious dinner. We are exhausted . We realized that we have gone without any sleep for more than 33 hours. Time to get some zzz's and continue our adventure tomorrow. Tomorrow... Loch Ness!!!!

Holyroodhouse Palace

Edinburgh Castle

Arthur's Seat behind us

1 comment:

cityrambler said...


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Take a look at and enjoy the rest of your stay.