Thursday, July 5, 2012

Pike's Place Market

Monday June 25,
Royce, Shayne, Martha, Me, Sylvia Mike, Lilia, Nate, Mike C, Chloe
Prior to coming to Seattle, Mike and I watch an episode of Anthony Bourdain’s No Reservation. The episode was on the Pacific Northwest. The part that interested us was “Salumi Salami” The day before we had done Kestrel Winery and we ordered a cheese plate. Included in the cheese plate was salami from Salumi’s. Mike and I were really excited to try it and it did live up to our expectation. We knew we were headed to Seattle on Monday and wanted to stop by the deli to see if could get some. But bad luck on our side. Place was open only Tues – Fri from 11am till 3:30 pm. Better luck next time we are in Seattle.

So this morning we all pack it up and headed to Space Needle. Rhonda and Frank did not want to go up but their son, Royce, had never been up. You live in a city and never do the typical tourist things is so common. So all 10 of us, bought our tickets and headed up the Needle. Beautiful!! The only bummer was it was a bit overcast and could not see Mount Rainier. But later found out that Mount Rainier is only visible about 60 days a year because of the weather.
Me, Sylvia, Martha, Lilia

Family Green

Sylvia and Martha

Mike and Nate

Green Family

 After seeing the Needle, we took off and headed over to Pike’s Place Market. The weather is ever changing here and one minute it’s nice and warm, the next is chilly or raining. Thus why some photos, look like we are deep in winter and other’s full summer! Once we got there we dispersed in many different directions. Kids went immediately to the gum wall. Mike and Nate went to get some Poke and not quite sure where the rest went.  I decided to go to the deli that Rhonda introduced to me before. I walked in and to my surprise, they had Salumi salami. Lilia and I bought 2 different kinds. Then off to Beachers to get some amazing cheese! I am convinced that fine cheeses should be considered a controlled substance!! Thank goodness for cell phones. We all managed to gather and I bought some monkfish (aka poor man’s lobster). Rhonda got some halibut. Mike Cottle along with Martha and Sylvia bought Chilean Sea bass. We are in for a yummy dinner!

It started to rain so we bundled Nate up!

Love this shot!!

We did one final stop as a group – The Gum Wall! Very gross!! You chew gum and stick it to the wall. I guess the kids thought that was very cool.

Gum Wall!!

We got back to Rhonda and Frank’s and the party started all over again. I made a cheese and salami tray, with sliced baguette to tie everyone over. And all of us cooked the fish we bought. Some stove top, others grilled on the BBQ. And of course, lots of alcohol.

After dinner, I decided to whip out my surprise I had for Lilia. After all, the next day was her birthday. Prior to meeting up, I had T shirts made for all of us to wear on the cruise. On the back was a totem pole stating “Lilia’s 50th Birthday”. On the front it says “Commemorating 50 years of Lilia”, with two Pacifico Beer bottles and a shot of tequila. Everyone loved it!


Front logo

Off to bed and on to a cruise the next day!!

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