Sunday, July 8, 2012

Day at Sea

Wednesday, June 27

Shayne is still not feeling well. The boat is still rocking pretty good. We woke up around 10am. I think the rocking is lulling me to sleep. We got up and went to eat breakfast and then we took Nate to Camp Carnival. He lasted until lunch time. We picked him up but he did not want to go back. Instead he chose to hang out with us the rest of the day. We had no real plan since we are just at sea. Some made spa appointments, others went to art auctions (ahem, that would be me). Some went to the gym. But the thing I think I enjoyed the most was playing Trivial Pursuit. Corny but a lot more fun than I anticipated.

It’s formal night, so we all had to get dressed up for dinner. It’s always wonderful to see Mike in a suit. He just wears it so well, but rarely gets to. Shayne realized that he forgot to bring his formal wear but he is just so good looking that it really did not matter. We met up and had lots of photos taken of us. Last time we did a cruise we bought so many photos and I never did anything with it. So this time, I was much more selective about what photos I was going to buy. Besides, the photos run about $20 for an 8 x 10!! You could spend a fortune on it.

Sylvia and Martha

Sylvia and Martha

Martha and Sylvia
Chloe, Mike C, Lilia and Shayne
Lilia and Mike C
Shayne and Chloe
Lilia and Mike C
Lilia and Mike C
My Beautiful Nate!
Love this group shot!
 During dinner, Nate had mentioned that the biggest thing he wanted to do was to see everyone else's “houses”. We have a cabin with a balcony, but Nate was curious about the other cabins. I loved that he called it “their houses”. Everyone invited him to come check it out the following day.  After dinner, it’s my turn to take Nate and Mike gets to go out and party. Apparently they decided to go dancing again but Mike lasted only one song and was not up to more. So off they went to Casino. As for me, I read Nate stories and then I fell asleep as fast as he did.

Tomorrow - Tracy Arm Fjord!

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