Sunday, June 24, 2012

World's Colliding

We all landed within an hour of each other. We all met up at the shuttle only to find out that the Seattle Rock 'n' Roll Marathon was going. This means all the streets were closed and traffic a nightmare. Took us a couple hours to get to Frank and Rhonda's but we made it!
Waiting for Shuttle. From right to left - Sylvia, Martha, Shayne, Chloe, Lilia, Nate, Mike, Me, Mike C.

The minute we walked in, it was party time. Tequila, beer, vodka, wine all came out!! Then suddenly we noticed Rhonda was missing. Turns out she was not feeling well and was unable to hang with us. She ended up sleeping the rest of the day. She was bummed she missed the party but glad she is no longer sick.

Later some friends from high school showed up and I have not seen them in over thirty years!! But the minute we were together it seemed like no time had passed. Walked down memory lane and must admit it was fun. Interesting to bring my past into my current life. Worlds colliding!!

High School buddies but no Rhonda Howick Torres. Elliott Mall, Me, Rhonda Grey Reasor, Brett Reasor.
Looking forward to seeing what's in stored for the rest of the trip!!

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