Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Fishing Derby

Earlier, the morning of the eclipse, the Cub Scouts and the Kiwanis hosted a fishing Derby at Big M hatchery in Lincoln.
Maria and I are not really known for our fishing expertise, but we wanted the kids to experience it.  G-pa joined us for a fun morning of casting, fish heads and sun.

Ethan, Wyatt and Nate in a rare moment when they were all sitting down and not all trying to cast.

Here I am showing Nate how to keep the Sardine pieces on the barb-less hooks, using some magic string that will help the bait stay on during the many casts.

Ethan seemed to really get the quiet peaceful nature of fishing.

Here's Ethan after he won a raffle, giving him a new fishing pole.

Nate and Wyatt skunked fishing and at the raffle prizes.  Didn't stop them from having a good time though.

Thank goodness G-pa was there to help, nt sure I could have managed all three kids throwing hooks around.  It was no sitting for the adults as we were constantly getting someone's line, bobber or bait setup to cast.

Nate's favorite part was casting.  Of course the competition amongst these three was not who caught the biggest fish, but who got their line out the farthest.  Wyatt was the clear winner, despite many more attempts by Nate.

The slaters seemed to have the prime spot as they both caught fish.  Jimmy was a natural.

Even Emily got in on the fun and had a great time.

The three amigos on the ride home.

Ready set fish!  Good thing the fish were under the water.  They were in more danger of getting hit in the head with  a bobber and weights, than of actually getting caught by this group of fisherman.

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