Sunday, June 24, 2012

Scout Night With the Rivercats

Saturday June 16 was Scout night at the River Cats game. It was also 108 degrees that day. HOT!!! Mike's dad, Rich, was suppose to go but when he saw how hot it was going to be he canceled. So we took Ethan instead. The boys wore their uniform and marched around the field with the other scouts before the game. Then it was an all you can eat BBQ and then to our seats to watch the game. The boys were quite the troopers since the game went for 4 hours! I guess they really wanted to see the fireworks.
Mike, Nate and Ethan wearing a LA Dodgers hat. I grew up in LA, so I have no problem with the hat but living in Northern Cal, most are Giants fans! Giants fans do frown on Dodgers.
Before the game, scouts were able to ask some of the players questions. Nate and Ethan did not know what to ask.

Mike looking ever so good at the game!

Getting ready to march around the field.



Mascot "Dinger" riding a unicycle



River Cats Field

Marching and sweating!!

Tower bridge at sunset.

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