Tomorrow at this time we should be all on an airplane headed to Seattle! So many things to do to get ready. Mail and newspapers have been put on vacation hold. My dog Lilo is now at my dad's. House needs to be clean and pick up before we leave (despise coming home to a messy house after vacation). Last minute laundry needs to be done and need to finish packing. I know I will probably forget something.
Looks like we are in for some typical Seattle weather - Rain, rain and monsoon? Highs will be in the low 60's and lows in the low 50's. Guess we are packing umbrella's. Thinking my hair is going to be nightmare there since it does not do well in humidity!
Hope Rhonda and Frank are ready to have 9 guests at her house. We are bringing the party and we have a tendency to be LOUD!! And we like to drink!! Ooof, this is going to be fun!!