Thursday, July 14, 2011


In our ongoing effort to keep Nate busy, we've signed him up for a Karate class.

Nate, and his buddy Wyatt, two down.

The bald guy, is his Sensai. All the parents really liked him, as he was telling the kids to quit wiggling, stand up straight, no talking etc.  The class was focused on discipline.  Some kids were terrified, Nate took to it right away.

Here they are learning to throw a punch.

And how to make a fist.  Thumps out, not in.

The class is twice a week, a little bit of a drive to get there, but  they let you show up 30 minutes early for extra lessons.  Nate's been getting a full hour every time he goes and is progressing pretty well.  There's been a few times when he gets distracted, bored or sleepy, but he's been learning the 4 and 8 step Kata.  He should be ready to get a red belt by end of July.

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