Saturday, July 23, 2011


We wrapped up Nate's first year of school.  Graduation day consisted of a lot of singing and fun.  Parents brought snacks and the kids played outside after their performance.  Congratulations High School Graduating Class of 2023.

Nate and his Kindergarten teacher Mrs Martinson 

The entire Blue Oaks graduating class.  For those with great eyes, Nate's in the back row, left hand side, 9th from the end.

A closer shot of just Nate.

Nate with his proud parents.

And they're off.  Filled with a sugar high, ready to party party party all summer long.

Nate and Jimmy on the swings.

Jimmy giving Nate a push.

I think they may be a bit beyond these swings, but he still loves them.  He complained a bit that these are teh only style Aggie will let him swing on.  Grandma very careful with him.

As you can see, by graduation, he was no longer suffering from his tonsils removed.  He was back to his normal fun self, running around, smiling and having a great time.

Here's Mrs Martinsons kindergarten class.  Congratulations on a job well done. 
Below are a few videos that I had posted for some of the other parents on the final performances they performed.

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