Monday, March 14, 2011

Northstar 1-23

Nate, Maria and I went up skiing on Jan 23rd to Northstar.  Here I am with Nate enjoying a break at the very top for lunch.
Nate and Maria posing for a picture at the top of the mountain.  Nate skied from the very top on all blue runs.  We were so impressed.
Here's Nate making his jumps.  His favorite part of skiing is doing the jumps.  I'm afraid it won't be long before he is snowboarding and doing all sorts of tricks.

Maria and Nate on a lift to the top.
Daddy and Nate ready to race tot he bottom of the mountain.  Guess what, Daddy loses.

This video was the final run of the day, heading to the very bottom of Northstar.  It's a green run, but Nate shows great ability throughout.

Here's Nate and Daddy on the lift.
Nate and Baba sipping Hot Chocolate while waiting for a chance to bounce.

Nate all strapped in and ready to go.
Trying to flip, had a hard time getting the timing of the jumping.
Here's the video of this bounce thing.  $12 for 5 min of bouncing.  Kids lined up and waiting patiently for 30-60 min to get on.

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