Friday, March 25, 2011

Bike Ride

Took Nate out on a bike ride in Folsom.  Maria, Nate and I went to Brad's new place and joined him for a leisurely ride.
Brad showing off his dangerous stunt riding.
After a short time riding, Nate needs a break, so we stopped at a local park and played for a bit.
Here we are looking at the noisy ducks.
Didn't have any bread to feed them, but did enjoy watching them swim around for a bit.
Brad giving Nate a push on the swing
Nate returning the favor.
Daddy and Brad taking a moment to talk about golfing in Arizona.
Nate enjoys swinging and hanging out.
Nate demonstrating how to use the monkey bars.  Great to see him able to make it all the way across.  He's getting quite good at it.

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