Friday, March 11, 2011

More Basketball

Nate and Jimmy ready for some hoops
Coach giving valuable lessons to the team
We had a bit of a problem with Nate, it's awfully hard to play basketball with your hands in your mouth, or nose, of which Nate's were frequently visiting.
But when he did get the ball, he tried so hard to dribble.
He hustled up and down the court, once he got his focus.
Nate's best skill on the court is defense, he could really guard a player.
Got to love the uniform, baggy shorts down to the ankles, untucked shirt, looks like a real pro.
Ethan, Nate and Jimmy, all on the same team, all from our "circle"
After a tough game, we headed out for a bite to eat.  We stopped at a little Italian place near us called Skipolini's.  They offer the kids an opportunity to "make" their own Pizza
They bring out the dough, sauce, cheese and toppings, let the kids build it, then they cook it.  Nice touch.

Here are a few videos of Nate's games

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