Friday, March 11, 2011

Basketball wrap up

Ethan, Jimmy and Nate enjoying a post game snack and posing for photos.
Nate and Jimmy, the blond towers on our team.
Nate giving it his all in the drills.  Although he took some pretty wide turns, he liked the idea of running around the court.
Nate always smiling and having a good time.
While Nate never got the hang of shooting, and only barely improved at dribbling, he was tenacious at defense.
In this game you can see how frustrated he made #7, as he stuck to him like glue.  In another game, he chased his opponent back to the bench.

Video from Nate's final game

Jimmy ready for the inbound pass.
Nate displaying those dribbling skills. 
We still haven't solved the hands in the mouth/nose riddle.  Any suggestions?

At the end of the year party at Taste of Tuscany.  The kids got trophy's and pizza.
Nate proudly displaying his first trophy.  Maria was busy contemplating where we're going to start storing/displaying what I'm sure will be the first of many trophy's to come.

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