Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Puerto Rico Diving & Snorkeling

Here we are with Bam Bam our dive guide.

Orlando taught me the fine points of Rum and Coke.  Apparently this great drink is called a Cuba Libre in Puerto Rico.  I'm enjoying one here on his boat.

Orlando, Maria and Gwen enjoying the water in the south.  Orlando was amazingly generous to take us out snorkeling for the day.  We had an amazing time. 

Gwen and I on the dive boat.  It was a little rough out there.  Gwen, Maria and the dive guide helper all got seasick.

Maria and Gwen on the way to our first dive.  Made it 110 feet on the first dive.

Getting a little rest in between dives.

Maria and I snorkeling in the Mangroves.

Here's a rock shrimp, saw lot's of these little guys around the mangroves.
The lighting's better here, but may be a little hard to see the lion fish.  They are taking over the waters and trying to eradicate them.
Better shot, but the camera had the red filter on, which distorted the colors on the lion fish.

Very hard to see, but the brown thing that looks like a spider is actually a crab.

Saw this little guy swimming.  Don't let him bite you.

Lot's of smaller fish. We were told that the larger fish have all been overly fished and that there's limited life left.

Gwen caught this guy just hanging out.

Of course there's an abundance of colors in the ocean.  Between the diving on Friday and the Snorkeling on Sat, we had a great time in the south.  Orlando and his wife were great hosts, they even made us some home made Pina Colada's. 

1 comment:

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