We had a busy, peaceful Xmas. We woke up in the morning, enjoyed our time as family opening gifts, eating an amazing breakfast before loading up the car and spending the rest of the day driving. We got stuck in traffic on the way to Granny's house, and again leaving Granny's house to Nene's house for dinner. All in all, despite spending so much time in the car, it was fun and we enjoyed ourselves.
Nate made this drawing at school. It's his "elf". He laid on the ground and they traced it around him, then he colored it in. I hung it on the wall outside my office so I could enjoy seeing it, even when Nate wasn't around. |
As you can see, Santa came again and still has not learned to clean up after himself. His footprints were all over the floor when we woke up. |
Here's our Xmas tree, before we set Nate loose to open presents. |
Nate had a lot of fun with the presents this year. He was reading the tags and trying to determine which presents were from or to him. He helped open all the presents and assumed if they had his name on it, it was for him. |
Nate and I played Connect 4, one of the presents he got this year. He's excited about playing games with us. |
At Granny's house, he hauled in a bunch more presents. While I don't think he was expecting Xmas presents, he was just excited about seeing G-Pa and the stash of presents he knows G-Pa keeps in his trunk. |
G-pa opening his box of puzzles. Always a good gift. Next year we'll get him something for his new place, after we get him moved to Roseville (Did I just write a New Year's resolution?) |
After Granny's we went to Nene and Dani's for a few more presents and a wonderful prime rib dinner. You can see here, Dani opening her team Edward doll, I think we nailed it with that gift. |
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