Tuesday, January 25, 2011

New Year's

We finally closed 2010.  As I've said before, this has to be one of the wildest years in my life.  I've never encountered so much happiness and sadness in a single year.  When I look back it's hard to believe what we accomplished and went through in the last 12 months.  We began an ended the year in with the Cottles and we are looking forward to a wonderful 2011.
It may be difficult to see in this photo, but we had a very full house for New Year's eve.  We kept the celebration at home, had our friends, family and neighbors over to join us and enjoyed a safe end of the year party.

We lit up the fire pit and chatted outside at times

The kids all got together and played in Nate's room.  It's amazing how much noise they make and how quiet the house seems when they are gone.

The adults had fun too.  A number of us had shots of Patron.

The Slater's were able to join us.

The kids enjoyed roasting marshmallows.

We wanted to get a group shot with everyone and failed, but we did manage a group shot with most folks.  Sorry that Nene & Dani were to sick to join us for this photo, glad they are feeling better now.

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