Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Ready, set, party

Trying to get the last minute preparations for the big weekend party coming up. Lilia and the kids arrive around noon today, with Mike coming later Friday. It seems we are already getting a head start as Maria went to go pick Nate up from Aggie's and came back with Nate and Claudia. Should be a fun day.

Tomorrow, the group is heading out down the American River. Going to rent a raft and enjoy the warm Sacramento river. Friday it's poolside, then in the evening we are going to the "No Doubt" concert. Brad said Gwen Stefani has the best abs on the planet. Should be fun, we got $10 lawn seats. Sat is the big party day, with everyone here. We are expecting the Cottles (4), Green's (3), Ossa's (3), Ramos (2-3), Brad/Kim and Robert/Jenika.

Sunday Mike and I will try and golf in the morning before they head out later in the afternoon. Photos to come later, after the merriment starts.

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