Sunday, July 12, 2009

Independence Day

Playing in the sand

Nate loves Chloe- too bad she wasn't feeling too well

Day 1 - Still Early, only 3 bottles opened here.

4th of July weekend has become a regular event for the Green's in Manhattan Beach. This is our second annual trip down south to hang out with the Cottle's and whoever else chooses to join us. Nate has been looking forward to spending time with Shayne and Chloe. He was so excited to hop on a plane. Funny, but the boy's not even 4 yet and he's probably traveled more than a lot of people in their entire lifetimes.
Love this shot - Need to get it blown up and framed

We flew down on Thurs afternoon where Lilia picked us up from the airport. Nene, Dani and Claudia arrived the day before and were all settled in by the time we arrived. We hung out and the kids played while Lilia cooked some amazing enchilada's. We had a few bottles of wine. Funny, we must have been drinking all the good stuff, because Lilia kept trying to get someone to go downstairs to the garage and get the stuff she bought from Costco, but none of us fell for it. We only drank the 6 or 7 bottles she had upstairs.
Nene loves to farm on Facebook - Too bad the kids wouldn't let him

Some of the girls hanging out at the beach

Friday, Mike and I went out and played 9 holes at the little pitch and putt near his place. Not a bad course, but the yardages were all wrong, which made it really difficult. Really had to guess what the distances were. After we finished, we came back and found a house full of people. Seems like the guests had really started to arrive for the 4th celebration. We decided we were all going to go out for sushi. There's a great little place, about a block or two from the Cottle's house, they opened at 5:30,, but we were a little late and didn't arrive till 5:45. By then the place was packed and they couldn't find a table for 14. We wound up waiting over an hour for space. But for sushi, everyone would wait.
Can we get a table for 14 for sushi

Everyone was a little nervous because the weather the last few days, as is usual on the coast, was overcast. We really thought it might lead up to a bad 4th on the beach. Nate's really been looking forward to the beach and will be bummed if he can't spend more time there.
This was a photo to make Robert jealous - Mike making his amazing Chile Lime butter

The best part of this photo is not Maria and Lilia, but the head you see sticking out of the sand
Nate buried in the sand with his girl Chloe

On Sat, we got up early and start hauling all the gear down to the beach. Takes a lot of food and drinks to keep 20 or so people happy all day on the beach. Overall we must have done a pretty good job, everyone seemed to have a great time. Water was a little too cold for Nate, so he didn't spend a lot of time in the water, but did get himself wet. The cloud cover burned off around 11am so it turned into a great day. We started packing things up and heading back to the house around 5, and then the party was kicked into second gear. The food was amazing, Mike and Lilia really out did themselves this year. Mike was BBQ'ing, and ran out of 7-up so he was enjoying a few CC and Gatorades. I guess drinking is the new sport. He fed about half a tri-tip to JJ, the little chihuahua there. I think he had a new best friend. Good thing, sonce by the end of the night Lilia was not happy with him. He missed most of dinner, as he was passed out by 10pm. Good thing the Chile Lime butter was already made and most of the BBQ food was done before he was.
Nate playing with the kids on the beach
Nate hanging out with Pamela - Waiting for a ride home

Sun, Mike and I headed back out for the full golf round. We headed to Irvine to play Strawberry Farms. Great little course. I played really well for the first 8 holes, only 7 oer. But with a triple on 9, my game really started to tank. Mike's hangover must have been wearing off around 9, because he tore up the back side. He finished with a 91, which I think is the best I've ever seen him play. For me, I was dissapointed with my 98, but overall I guess it wasn't too bad.
Mr. Cottle passed out - Note the time on the clock

We're sad to head home, but excited that the Cottles will be coming up to see us later in July. Until then, we had a great 4th of July and can't wait to do it again next year.
Nate with his Bon Jovi hair - Or as some would say Rod Stewart

Maria meeting up with an old friend

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