Sunday, July 12, 2009


So, this week was all about the dentist. On Tuesday I had a dentist appt. Maria felt it would be good if Nate came and watched. So he did. Can't say it was great for me, he was busy eating the dentist chair, or trying to climb on me to see what was going on. Turns out I have a crack in one of my molars. Looks like I'll need to get a crown done pretty soon, hopefully before it fully breaks. I've got the work scheduled for Aug.

We did get Nate to the dentist as well. We asked for a dentist that specializes in kids and voila, Nate had an appt on Thurs. Maria took him, overall he was really good. No cavities. He didn't squirm in the chair and did really well. Maria said he ahd some great expressions when the X-rays were being taken. Wish I had some photos of that. I can't seme to get the X-ray shots scanned in so I can't post them. They're pretty neat to look at. You can see all his baby teeth and the adult teeth right behind pushing them on up.

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