This last weekend provided many fun and exciting activities. It started Friday night when we went to the No Doubt concert. Mike, Lilia, Maria and I got a late start, but did manage to make it out to Wheatland and see a good show. However, we were not prepared for the unusually cold weather or the horrible traffic to get there. It took us over an hour, mostly getting through Lincoln as we severely underestimated how much traffic there would be at the concert. We missed the opening band, the sounds, but did get there shortly after the second act started, Paramore. They were OK, but the show was really warming up for No Doubt. As Brad had warned us, Gwen's abs were amazing. Less than a year after her second child, she had an amazing body.

Apparently, this show was the first time in the last 7 years that the place sold out. The lawn was packed by the time we got there, and we were pretty far back. Since we were up high, the wind was blowing quite a bit and it made all of us in shorts and t-shirts cold. We did manage to connect with Robert and Jeneka (Did I spell it right this time?) We weren't expecting weather in the 70's this time of year. We left just as the encore was starting and made a quick exit home.

On Sunday, Mike and I were lucky enough to be offered a chance to play Winchester Country club in Meadow Vista. It was a formerly private club, that is having financial difficulties. My neighbor, Mike Green, suggested we play there, said it was a very nice course. He made a call and got us all setup.

This is a view from the tee box on #18, my only birdie of the day. A long par 5. If you look at the top right of this photo, you can see the tee box for #10. That hole, from the gold's is 503 yards, par 4. Yeah, par 4. The notes say longest par 4 in California.

Mike and I had our best drives of the day on this hole. We pulled it off with the course marshall watching as well. Unfortunately we didn't hit the rest of our shots as well.

The front nine had a lot of bee's on the course. This was in part due to the large amounts of water and wildlife we saw. Of course this dead snake out on the fairway didn't help matters much. The bees were swarming here. The following hole, we had bees all around us as we're trying to make our putts.
Overall, a great course. I'd love to play it again. Shot a 93 and couldn't sink a putt all day. kept missing the edge of the cup by less than a ball length. We were pushed a bit, as we were the first ones out and there was a group right behind us all day. We finished the round in 3.5 hours and were back home a lot earlier than we planned.