Monday, July 27, 2009

Weekend Fun

We know when these two get together, drinking will follow. This weekend was no different. We had a great time, big BBQ on Sat. Here's a few photos for those of you that couldn't make it.

Some of the guy's hanging out, drinking and smoking some cigars.

Everyone bouncing between pool, BBQ, Beer and fun.

Lilia, Chloe and Shayne.

This was from Sunday, after golfing, trying to beat that Sacramento heat.

Brad and I discussing plans for Vegas.

Claudia loved her floaties. Hung out all weekend in the pool in them.

I love this shot, Maria looks like she's sitting in chair, but someone removed it, or photoshopped it out.

Whenever the kids were jumping on an adult, Nate tried to get involved.

Moments before Nene came with a cannon ball and soaked Kim. Too bad she wasn't in her swim suit yet.

Brad's too cool for words. Did you see the orange hair?

Robert's got a lot on his shoulders...

Lilia's giving away hugs.

Nene's at the top of the photo, dropping his cannonball into the water.

Shayne jumping with Nate.

Bomb's away.

Is Nate a shield?

Nene enjoying the spa with the kids.

Thanks everyone for coming. For all those we didn't get pictures of you need to get in front of the camera more. For those that helped behind the scenes, cooking, cleaning etc. A huge thank you. It wouldn't have been possible without everyone's help. Can't wait to do it again next year.

Weekend Fun

This last weekend provided many fun and exciting activities. It started Friday night when we went to the No Doubt concert. Mike, Lilia, Maria and I got a late start, but did manage to make it out to Wheatland and see a good show. However, we were not prepared for the unusually cold weather or the horrible traffic to get there. It took us over an hour, mostly getting through Lincoln as we severely underestimated how much traffic there would be at the concert. We missed the opening band, the sounds, but did get there shortly after the second act started, Paramore. They were OK, but the show was really warming up for No Doubt. As Brad had warned us, Gwen's abs were amazing. Less than a year after her second child, she had an amazing body.

Apparently, this show was the first time in the last 7 years that the place sold out. The lawn was packed by the time we got there, and we were pretty far back. Since we were up high, the wind was blowing quite a bit and it made all of us in shorts and t-shirts cold. We did manage to connect with Robert and Jeneka (Did I spell it right this time?) We weren't expecting weather in the 70's this time of year. We left just as the encore was starting and made a quick exit home.
On Sunday, Mike and I were lucky enough to be offered a chance to play Winchester Country club in Meadow Vista. It was a formerly private club, that is having financial difficulties. My neighbor, Mike Green, suggested we play there, said it was a very nice course. He made a call and got us all setup.

This is a view from the tee box on #18, my only birdie of the day. A long par 5. If you look at the top right of this photo, you can see the tee box for #10. That hole, from the gold's is 503 yards, par 4. Yeah, par 4. The notes say longest par 4 in California.

Mike and I had our best drives of the day on this hole. We pulled it off with the course marshall watching as well. Unfortunately we didn't hit the rest of our shots as well.
The front nine had a lot of bee's on the course. This was in part due to the large amounts of water and wildlife we saw. Of course this dead snake out on the fairway didn't help matters much. The bees were swarming here. The following hole, we had bees all around us as we're trying to make our putts.

Overall, a great course. I'd love to play it again. Shot a 93 and couldn't sink a putt all day. kept missing the edge of the cup by less than a ball length. We were pushed a bit, as we were the first ones out and there was a group right behind us all day. We finished the round in 3.5 hours and were back home a lot earlier than we planned.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Discovery Park

These were taken last Sunday when we went to Discovery Park with the Ossa's. I've also included a little video of Nate bringing his lion mask home from his safari day camp he was in last week.

American River Photos

Yesterday, the gang went to the American River and did what used to be the beer float. Since the kids were in tow, there was no beer this time. I can't add a lot of narrative, since I was busy working while they played on the river, however, here are some photos for your enjoyment.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Ready, set, party

Trying to get the last minute preparations for the big weekend party coming up. Lilia and the kids arrive around noon today, with Mike coming later Friday. It seems we are already getting a head start as Maria went to go pick Nate up from Aggie's and came back with Nate and Claudia. Should be a fun day.

Tomorrow, the group is heading out down the American River. Going to rent a raft and enjoy the warm Sacramento river. Friday it's poolside, then in the evening we are going to the "No Doubt" concert. Brad said Gwen Stefani has the best abs on the planet. Should be fun, we got $10 lawn seats. Sat is the big party day, with everyone here. We are expecting the Cottles (4), Green's (3), Ossa's (3), Ramos (2-3), Brad/Kim and Robert/Jenika.

Sunday Mike and I will try and golf in the morning before they head out later in the afternoon. Photos to come later, after the merriment starts.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Six Flags Discovery Kingdom

Sat HP had an employee day at Six Flags in Vallejo. For me this park is still Marine World, but I guess that's only for old school people. They no longer had the water ski show which was a bit of a bummer. The tickets we got were a great deal. $26 per person, got you into the park and on any ride. It also included an HP picnic area from 2-4pm where it was hamburgers, hot dogs, potato salad and sodas along with some ice cream sandwiches for dessert. It was all you could eat and at a park like that easily a $40 meal for 3.

Nene, Dani and Claudia joined us as did our neighbors Mike and Jessica Green. They brought their two boys Jake and Logan. It was a real fun day.

Here we are at Discovery Kingdom

Nate thinks he's the next Top Gun

Nene and Claudia watching Shouka the whale show
Here's Shouka

Our neighbors Mike and Jessica Green

Their son - Jake

Nate and Claudia riding the kids version of "the Edge" or "Freefall"

Nate couldn't get enough of the "teacups ride. Kept wanting to spin faster and faster. Funny, one time it was Nate, Logan and I and Logan didn't want it to spin at all.

Nene and Claudia getting off the train ride

Much different experience going to these parks for the kids rather than for yourself. Glad to see they had a great time.

Nate flashing the "Shaka" or Hang Loose sign while flying
Ready to blast off

Nate's posing for the camera

Jessica and Jake on the balloon rides

On Thomas the Train

The last ride of the day, or 2 since we did it twice back to back was the white water rapid. After the first time we were absolutely soaked. Logan was a magnet for the water, in particular the waterfall which just drenched him both times. After the second drenching he was not happy being wet. It reminded me of the time when I went on a similar ride with my dad and cousins, i think at six flags down south. We all piled into the raft, and the lastopen seat was next to my dad. Some 300+ lb woman climbed in and sat right next to him. The raft was heavily tilted towards him the whole ride and he came out soaked.

The calm before the storm

Logan's a bit cold here

Claudia was equal parts scared and excited

Logan was no longer happy

Nothing's too much for Nate

This little ride had Claudia absolutely terrified - and had Maria laughing at Claudia

Sunday, was a bit more restful. I played golf with Shawn out at Lincoln Hills. Played one of my better rounds in a long time. While I wasn't driving the ball very well, it wasn't hurting me too much. I was hitting my irons real solid and about 10 yards further than I normally do. Since we were playing from the whites I had a lot of reachable greens and was generally making them. I was 4 over on the front and 8 over on the back, finished with an 84. 2 double bogies and everything else was pars or bogies, no birdies or triples. Overall a very solid round for me. I wish I was always playing like that.

Talk to you later.