Monday, June 1, 2009

Kailua Beach Park

Well, we're definitely winding things down for this trip. It's nearly over and I feel more stressed now than when we got here. We've got so many things to take care of before we leave and I've barely gotten away from work. It certainly doesn't feel like a vacation. Oh well, no one will feel sorry for me because I am working from here.

We're nearly done with all the furniture. We got a call late today with a great deal on the head boards to match the desk and nightstand we got for the guest room. It helps complete that whole set. That meant lot's of running around this afternoon, when we had hoped to get to the beach. Now I'm stuck with trying to figure out how to mount these oversized headboards to what appear to be undersized frames. Need to raise the frames 4 inches to make everything look right.

Only two days left and lot's of cleanup around here. The place is a wreck and we need to get it picked up before we take some new photos for the rental agency.

Yesterday, Maria was all set for us to go to Kailua Beach park. She had heard great things about Kayak's and other items there. We drove over Pali lookout, stopped and took a few photos. We were reminded of being here last year with Chloe and she was complaining that adults always want to go to scenic places. Anyway, we did manage a few photos. Enjoy, we did.

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