Saturday, May 30, 2009

Island time

I guess we're finally catching up to Island time. Blog posts are slower and farther between. Not much new to report, not many new pictures or stories.

We've been spending the last two days away from the beach, taking care of apartment furniture. We found a local guy who specializes in oriental furniture. He offered to buy all the oriental furniture in the condo, along with the art work. We have then been in search of replacing the most critical items. We bought a new dining room table and set of chairs, a desk and a nightstand. It's been hard to find furniture that meets the three categories we're looking for. 1.) Available before we leave, either for delivery or our pick up. 2.) design that fits into our future view of the apartment, even though we haven't done any of the major remodeling (More on that in a few). 3.) it has to be something that we can afford, but not look cheap. We're hesitant to buy something if we think we'll be replacing it again in a year after the remodel.

As for the remodel, we got two different bids, both were between $62 and $65K and estimate they would take 4-6 weeks to complete the work. It's a full blown remodel, stripping all the 40 year old wall paper, removing tile, tincturing walls, installing laminate flooring, gutting 2 bathrooms and replacing with new fixtures, new showers, new sinks and finally updating the kitchen. We talked to one guy who said this place still has the original stove in it.
For beach time, it's more of the same. Sitting in the water in front of the Royal Hawaiian hotel. Seems to be our favorite spot this time. Our "underwater" camera got water and sand in it, so it's not working. That means these may be the last of the pictures, except on facebook. We have our big camera, but don't usually take it. I haven't been downloading the photos from the iphone, so they only go to facebook.

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