Friday, June 26, 2009


Can't believe it's been nearly a month since my last post. Time to get back on the saddle and start riding again, but before I do, I want to catch up on some of the activities through the month of June.

The biggest change occurred a little over a week ago. We were loading up the car on Thursday 6/18, preparing for our first family camping trip. Maria had gone to the store to buy all the camping food we need, I had the SUV packed, with the exception of our ice chest. Nate was in bed, ready to wake up early Friday morning so we could go camping in the redwoods. I was frantically trying to get 43 job requisitions posted for some of the new Puerto Rico work, that had to be completed before we left when I got a call from Jo stating that Tony wasn't doing well. It turns out Tony stopped breathing in Jo's car while drinking a milkshake. Aggie came over to watch Nate, while Maria and I went to the hospital. When we arrived, we found out she had passed away. It seems so surprising in so many ways, but it was also, almost expected.

The next few days are a blur, we had so much to do and prepare for. Notifying Lorraine was extremely difficult. She's taking the loss very hard. No parent should ever outlive their children. In several of my visits, Lorraine was asking the questions that are impossible to answer, Why not me instead? What do I do now? Why? I know there is nothing I can do to ease her pain, but it clearly has impacted in her. In moving her around for the memorial, I've come to realize just how weak she really is. She can't even stand up on her own anymore. I believe that with all that has transpired, we'll be doing this again before the end of the year.

The memorial service was a whole event unto itself. Of course the centerpiece was, as always, Sherry. She couldn't bear to let anyone steal the spotlight when she could receive so much attention on herself. I'm still amazed and some of the things she did and said. It's a good thing Lorraine was so emotional that she couldn't hear what was happening. Watching Sherry speak, trying to pick a fight with Kenny, telling everyone that "when her mom dies..." and her interrupting everyone else that was trying to speak was a truly horrific experience. I almost felt a need to apologize to Kenny for what she did, but I know there's nothing I can do about it. In fact, I'm sort of glad she didn't start it with me, at that time, she waited until later for that. As usual she showed up barking orders before even saying hello. Luckily my dad stepped in and helped diffuse some of it before it got too bad.

The final blow was after Sherry insisted on dragging Lorraine up to see where Paul's niche, and where Tonette will be, she tried to pick a fight with me regarding how good of care Lorraine was getting at Eskaton. Of course her real concern is that Lorraine has given up, but she blames Eskaton and I for not forcing her mom to do more. She doesn't realize that she's the one that keeps destroying her mom's dreams and hopes that used to motivate her to move. By constantly reminding her that home is being rented, and parading all her old possesions in front of her and discussing how/where/who should get them. It's amazing how someone can be so narcisstic and truly believe they are doing to help someone else.

I'll try and fill in some more of the missing month of June soon.

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