Friday, June 26, 2009

Photographic evidence

No photos in the blog in awhile. Our "water" camera got water and sand in it. Had to send it in for repairs. We just got it back yesterday. Luck for us, it's just in time for our Sunday trip to North Shore (Tahoe not Hawaii) where we hope to ride down the Truckee river. Nice to have our camera back, we use that one quite a bit. It's much easier to carry than the big Canon an certainly instrumental for rafting type trips.

A couple of more updates:

Spent Father's day at Golfland Sunsplash. Took Nate out for a fun filled day of miniature golf, race car drives and a video game overload. He loved the golf and cars (he now assumes that's what I do every time I say I'm going golfing) but he was mostly interested in all the video games. He couldn't hold still as he ran from place to place trying to see what he wanted to play. It was a lot of fun. A nice break from all that we had been dealing with.

Nate's been in swim lessons last week and this week. Tonight's his last night. We don't expect him to graduate, but he is getting a lot better. He can really tread water now, and in class, he can swim almost 10 yards. He won't practice as much at home and he swims until he runs out of breath, then dog paddles and can't really get back into swimming. But there's definately a huge improvement. Hopefully we'll get a few photos we can post fairly soon.

Looks like we got a tenant to move into the Orinda house. A mother and son are interested and filling out the lease paperwork now. We'll need to meet and have a walkthrough in the next day or two. They want to move in 7/1. It'll be nice to get that burden taken care of.

We purchased a few tickets for us and the neighbors to go to 6 flags magic Kingdom in Vallejo on 7/11. Should be a lot of fun. Nate will be hanging out with Jake and Logan. We'll all be going down together. It's an HP event, so tickets include all you can eat lunch and a shady reserved picnic area. We're looking forward to it.

We're leaving on Thursday to go see the Cottles. Nate's excited about seeing Shayne and Chloe. We'll be spending the 4th of July on the beach, I'm hoping to get out and golf with Mike at least one of the days.

Our HP Golf League won the first half playoffs so we're all set for the finals. Should be a fun extra day of golf for us in late August.

Hope to post some photos early next week of our rafting trip. Until then, have a week.

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