Friday, May 22, 2009

No Fear

We've joked before, but today it was clearly evident. Our son has no fear and should be the spokesperson for that clothing line. We spent the afternoon at Waikiki beach, in front of the Royal Hawaiian, and all he wanted to do was get pummeled by the waves. Whether body surfing, riding the inner tube or boogey boarding, wanted to be right where the waves were pushing him into the sand. I can't believe the looks we got from the crowds of people in and around the beach area. That being said, it was a pretty amazing site. He loves the ocean.

Afterwards, we had dinner at Jimmy Buffet's restaurant. Not bad, had some really potent drinks. Really liked a shot we did call "Tourist covered in oil". Coconut rum, creme of coco & pineapple juice. Nate got a blow up sword from the guy on stilts and had fun playing with a family of kids running around and screaming up a storm. All this while the live band played in the background.

We spent yesterday at Hanuama Bay, no pictures as we had forgotten to bring the memory stick. Nate liked looking at the fishy's, but still loves the waves more. I think overall his favoirte so far is Waikiki beach, plus he gets the added bonus of riding the bus.

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