Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Well, we made it. Long flight, hard to keep Nate contained. Surprisingly, he didn't want to watch his itouch much, which made it that much more difficult.

A few points I want to bring up before I forget. The first was how cool the United pilot was, who saw Nate standing in line ready to board the plane and let him not only go up and see the cockpit, but to also sit in the pilot seat. We got a few photos, but their on my iPhone so it'll be awhile before I post them, although you can see one on my facebook page. The captain also gave him some captains wings and let him talk on the microphone giving an announcement to the plane. Unfortunately it was one of Nate's few shy times so he didn't do much with the opportunity. I would have loved to hear him shout something like "This is your captain speaking, pat pat pat blast off!!!" That was truly an amazing moment for me, I didn't think people did that stuff anymore after 9/11.

Arriving in Hawaii was uneventfull, we quickly gathered our luggage and headed to the car rental. I had reserved a Mazda 6, what I'm used to driving at home, but being a Hertz gold member, I frequently get upgraded. This time, they had a Mustang convertable for us. I told Nate the car goes super fast and he got really excited. Problem is we couldn' even drive with the windows down he was saying it was too windy. Not to mention we barely got our stuff into the car. I was oping to get an upgrade into something like a ford escape. Might need to take it back in a few days. Nate didn't even last 5 minutes in the car before he passed out. He woke up when I parked and walked with me over to the elevator.

As we entered the elevator, there was another couple sharing the ride with us. Nate looked up and proudly told them we're going to Hawaii. They smiled and told him he was already there.

Well, while it's only 9pm here, I'm still on CA time, feels like midnight, Maria and Nate are asleep and I think I'm going to join them.

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