Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Spring 2012 Sports

We did our second year of Hot Shots basketball.  It came on the heels of our Hawaii trip and we never really got into the season.  Not sure if it was because we didn't know a lot of people on the team or what.

The team had fun together, it was a non-competitive league.  Nate never seemed to get into the basketball mode.  He was back to twirling at half court and didn't display the stellar defense he had at the end of last season.  He rarely practices basketball with the neighbor kids.  Prefers to ride his bike and scooter.  We're thinking we'll hold him out of basketball next year and focus on skiing or other activities instead.

Nate getting his basketball trophy.

Moving on to Farm ball, Nate is no longer a Pirate as that team disbanded.  He is now a Padre.  We kept a strong group of former Pirates together and are enjoying the new team.

Nate seems to like baseball, although he could still use a lot of practice.  Loves to bat and playing with his teammates. 

Taking a break on the bench.

All smiles, as are his parents.  Games are played at Veteran's Park, which is walking distance from our house.

Nate putting on the catcher's gear.

Behind the plate.

Missed on that one, but put in a full swing.

Nate eventually got a hit and gave the coach a high five!

Out in the field, Nate's favorite position is pitcher as you're closest to the action.

The formal team photo.  Love the banner idea, helps with Names and we get to keep them at the end of the season.  During games we can hang them in the dugout.

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