Thursday, May 17, 2012

Cub Scout Family Hike - Quarry Trail

One of my favorite ideas about the cub scouts, is that we can get our boy into the outdoors and do fun activities that I wouldn't take him on by myself.  The first "Family Hike" started at the confluence of the North and middle fork of the American River.

We visited an old limestone quarry.Where all the folks are standing was a limestone deposit.  This was mined in 1906 and used to make concrete in the rebuilding of San Francisco after the earthquake.

Nate exploring one of the little caves.

Nate had some fun, but was also a little bored on the hike.  

Here are all the scouts lining up for a photo shoot.

The miners would drop the limestone into a cave where it was captured on a rail cart and hauled by train to SF.  They've since gated the entrance to the cave.

Inside the cave, you can see it's well worn.  It wasn't boarded up until 2006.  They discovered lots of fossils in here, dire wolves, giant sloths, mastodons etc.

After exploring the quarry, the scouts played some games, disc golf, trivia questions and were allowed to eat lunch and run around a bit before heading back.  We stopped for a frozen yogurt on the way home and capped off a very fun day.
More details on the hike can be found here.

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