Thursday, September 29, 2011

First Soccer Game

At Nate's level of soccer, we don't keep track of score, so I can't tell you that his team won 7-3.

What I can tell you is Nate likes the idea of playing goalie, because he prefers to use his hands.

Of course he gets to wear the cool goalie shirt as well.

He spent a quarter in the net, even blocked a shot or two.  He did let the other team score one goal.  At halftime he came over and said he let the other team score a goal because he wanted the other team to get one too.

Nate got a couple of shots to kick the ball

He put everything into kicking the ball as hard as he could.

But when the action was on the other end of the field he was bored.

Another free kick

He got a lot of leg into this one

He came back in the second half and wanted to play out on the field, here is one of his attempts at a goal.

I'm not entirely sure of soccer rules, but I'm pretty sure he was held here.

Now soccer at this age is best described by Brad as bunch ball.  The coaches work hard to have the kids not move in a swarm around the ball.  Which is great in concept.  However when Nate got bored and was no where near the action, his excuse was he didn't want to bunch the other kids.

Nate taking the ball after the other team scored.  Overall he enjoys it, although I think he likes the practices more, because he can play on the playground before and after practice.

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