Monday, September 26, 2011

Summer potpourri

As we wound down summer, I wanted to capture a number of activities that happened that I haven't already devoted a blog entry too.
Summer seems to end earlier each year.  Nate began first grade, with school starting on Aug 24th.  I recall that I was never in school on my birthday until college and now it seems the summers are getting shorter and shorter.
Nate all ready for his first day at school. He was so proud that he's a big kid now.

He gets his very own desk.  Biggest disappointment for him was not knowing what to put in his desk.  Wanted to fill it with toys.

First action of a first grader was to find your desk and begin coloring.

As Karate wound down, we missed the first few soccer practices as they overlapped.  We finally got Nate to practice and he quickly adapted to the faster pace of soccer.

What has become an annual trip for Maria and Nate, a trip down the Truckee river.  I wasn't able to make it as I was working, but Lilia and the kids did it for the first time and really liked how much easier it is than do the American river.

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