Saturday, October 1, 2011

Rudy's 6th birthday

After Nate's first soccer game, he and I raced down to John and Andrea's house for Rudy's 6th birthday party.
The kids got a turn with a metal bat and pinata, Nate made reat contact, but not quite enough to break it open.

And we have a winner, candy everywhere.

Nate was next in line to hit when it broke open, so he was first to begin collecting candy, and he got quite a lot.

The kids gathered for cake and ice cream.

Rudy anxiously awaiting his sugar

Nate skipped lunch and only ate candy cake and ice cream.  Despite heavy pleading, he claimed he wasn't hungry, until we finally got in the car to and left the house, suddenly hunger got the best of him.
One boys old toy, becomes the next boys favorite.  Nate loved the hard hat, which had a mini microphone/PA so he could get his voice even louder.

John watching Nate and Rudy open gifts.

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