Sunday, February 22, 2009

YOU make me sad!

So Nate's latest little exclamation when he doesn't get his way, is "You Make me Sad" or sometimes the variation don't make me sad. He usually pull sit out when he's told to do something he doesn't want to, or is forced to go to timeout, or gets yelled at. An example would be when he's eating and starts kicking Maria, she hates it, tells him to stop, he keeps it up, she yells louder then tells him to go to time out, he cries and says Baba you make me sad.
Been trying week. With all of us sick, haven't been able to do much. Maria finally turned the corner on Tuesday and has been getting better. Nate still has the swollen lymph nodes, but otherwise is not acting sick at all. I've been struggling with a sore throat, fever and headache. Today is the first day I'm feeling better than the previous. Hopefully I've turned a corner as well. Haven't exercised in a week and feel like a slug.
We were hoping to get to Lorraine's for a visit, but with our sickness, I'm afraid to give any of it to her. Same goes for Tony, who fell and broke her ankle this week. Hasn't been a good week for all involved. Tony's fine, or at least as fine as you can be with a broken ankle. She was at her program when she fell and broke it. Hopefully we'll feel better and can get her to see her mom. I know that will cheer her up.
We did get some good news on the condo, looks like we have a renter who wants to sign a 1 year lease, so that will be a big help and load off of our mind. We really need to dedicate some time to Lorraine's house, hopefully we'll get over our sickness and start to really see some progress. I was hoping to have it ready to rent by end of March, we'll see how that goes.
Sat was a great day, weather wise. Nate has been dying to get outside, and we were able to take him out and play in the street with the neighbor kids. They have one of those electronic ride in cars/jeep things that go 2.5-5MPH A pretty good pace. Nate loves to run around in them, but he has a ways to go before he gets a license. He steers, but doesn't look where he's going. He rode his bike and scooter with the kids and the adults hung out and chatted. Nothing too exciting, but at least we were outside. It's raining this morning, so not much to do today. Trying to figure out how to keep everyone entertained.
Maria has now seen all the best picture Oscar nominee's, I've seen all of them but Milk. Just couldn't get into that. I'd rate them 1. Slumdog Millionaire. 2. Frost/Nixon. 3. Benjamin Button and 4. The Reader. I liked the india aspect of Slumdog, and I though the music was great too. Good story and thoroughly enjoyed it. I was surprised by Frost/Nixon, I knew the history, but certainly don't remember it. And I should say I knew the history of Nixon, never heard of the interview. It was a great story and I love the Nixon performance, amazing, easy to understand why he was nominated for best actor. Benjamin Button wasn't bad, a bit long, generally a feel good story like Forrest Gump, but didn't feel anything overwhelming about it. It was good, but nothing too special. The reader, was pretty boring to me. I thought the concept was good, but it really dragged on, not something I'd normally watch. Finally we watched The Wrestler last night. Mickey Rourke was nominated for best actor, I can see why. I've never been a fan of wrestling, so I wasn't excited to see it, but overall it held my interest. I'd say either he or Frank Langhella the guy who played Nixon should win. Maria, who saw Milk, said she though Sean Penn for Milk was right there too. A toss up. I'm rooting for Nixon as I think I overall enjoyed that film more.
Now, to entertain the boy for the day, any suggestions for a rainy day with him?

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