Thursday, February 26, 2009

Actually No!

Nate's latest little saying is putting "Actually" before he answers a question. So you can ask if he wants to eat dinner and he answers, umm Actually No!

My dad came to visit on Tuesday. Wanted to upgrade the hard drive in his PC. We changed his 40GB drive for a 1.5TB drive and got everything copied over. It went surprisingly well, which seems to be unusual when dealing with PC upgrades. G-pa, Maria and Nate went to Costco and got some shopping done, while I was working and then we had a nice BBQ before we called it a day.

Sherry called me 8 times yesterday, left 8 voice mail messages, each 4 min in length, before the machine runs out of room. In those messages, the basic theme was that IO was taking things from her mom's house that she wanted or felt was hers. The two main things she thought I took were a down comforter and some dishes, neither of which I did, nor do I know anything about them. It's been difficult dealing with her. She called again today and left a more nasty message which prompted me to call her and try and set the record straight. While she claims she wasn't accusing, but merely asking, I don't know that a rational person would agree after listening to the messages. I did tell her that we were looking at making the house available to rent and that we needed to empty everything out of it. I gave her until March 15th to remove any and all things she wants from the house and I will then clean it up after that. I guess the good news is that there may be less work for me to do.

It was clear on the call that Sherry is having a difficult time dealing with her mom dying. I know she was in tears when all was said in done, but she wants to blame me for the fact that life is hard, people get old and die. I know she struggles, wanting to place blame or fault or have someone or something to go after, but it annoys me that she has to pin it all on me. At least she was understanding and supportive of getting the house ready to rent, despite her feeling bad that she had to deal with any of this while Lorraine was alive.

On to happier news, I guess that means I won't have to work on the house for the next few weekends, so we're planning on taking Nate up to the snow on Sat. Would like to try and get him up on ski's. We're thinking of going to a small resort like Soda Springs, so he can get a lesson and we can see how he does. The following weekend is Maria's birthday and the Cottles are coming and we're planning on spending the weekend in Tahoe, with some skiing, gambling and dining. Should be fun.

I'm now on a conf call with the JOEM's, HP customers in Japan, as I have been all week, and can't wait for this set of meetings to end. Makes for very long days. Nate's out front riding his bike with Jake and Logan, while Maria is chatting with Jessica. Glad to see Nate get out and play with the neighbor kids. Funny it started with him and I in the back playing catch with Lilo, when he went to the gate and saw "others" out front and pulled me to go let him play with them. Kind of cute actually.

Have a good night,

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