Thursday, February 5, 2009


Took Lilo to the dog park yesterday. She was super obsessive. I made her walk around the dog park before we went in. She was crying and whining, couldn't wait to play. When she did get in, all she wanted to do was fetch. Well, it was going well until another dog wanted to join in. They both grabbed the Frisbee and Lilo got upset and nipped at the other dog. Wound up biting the other dogs lip, drew some blood. I felt really bad. It was really the other dogs fault, but you never know how an owner will react. Following that, took her home and left her in the back yard while I went to RC Wiley to pick up Nate's portable DVD player, and Safeway for some milk. Then I came home, let her in and starting doing chores around the house. Of course, as she usually does after the dog park, she waited until she came in to puke in the office and in our bedroom, including up on the curtains. Spent the next 45 minutes cleaning the mess up.

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