I really need to do this more frequently, I'm sure I'm missing some updates. Funny how I thought I'd have more time with Maria and Nate gone, but I actually don't seem to have any more time.
Speaking of them, the most recent update is that they are leaving the Island on Thursday and taking th ebus back, will arrive 7am local time. Staying with Nicole through the weekend, so far been prmised to have Internet, then back to Sabine's for the last few days before she heads home. Her mail from Yesterday, she tells of Carlos taking the SeaDoo out and spraying Salvador and Nate who were on the shore. It spooked Salvador, but Nate loved it and kept shouting again again. He seems to really like the SeaDoo. Something for us to think about getting, if there was any lakes around here with water in them to do those things. One other interesting note, I guess there was a bit of excitement when one of the tree's there caught on fire. Everyone ran to put it out and it was all taken care of before the fire dept got there, but it spooked the kids and made everyone a little nervous. Here's a photo of them on the beach, then I'll continue below.

I just finished a call with Aggie, she went to visit Lorraine today. She mentioned that she wasn't doing too well. I think this cold is really getting to her. I know Eskaton called and said they wanted to change her "memory" medicine, but no update from them on her cold. I'm going to go visit her tomorrow, hopefully she's feeling better. I know they put her on antibiotics this week. I've also started a more regular dialogue with the attorney about what we can do with her house and what the best scenario is. Hopefully we'll get some paperwork drawn up in the next two weeks.
I went to the bay area yesterday, played golf with my dad at Tilden Golf Course. As the guy who played with us joked, it shoul dhave been called tilting golf course. I don't think there was a level lie anywhere on the course. Ball was always above or below your feet. Overall a nice course. I played a bit better on the back than the front. Shot a 93, on a par 70 course. Had 2 birdies, and actually had an eagle shot on the par 5 on the back, I reached the back edge of the green in 2. Definatley interested in playing it again, but it will probably be a long time before I do. Afterwards, we drove over to Lorraine's house their in Orinda. I wanted to check in on the place and see how it's holding up. Also need to asses what we're going to need to do to get it ready either for sale or for rent. Either way we need to clean it out and that's going to be a lot of work. Then we headed over to Casper's for a hot dog and I made the long drive home.
Over the weekend, I played golf with Shawn and John out at Wildhorse in Davis on Sat. Another new course I hadn't played before. Nice, green's were very fast. Some interesting holes. I shot a 96, but that was with 6 penalty shots. Funny, but felt I played a lot worse than I actually scored. Sunday I went to Brad and Kim's to watch the SuperBowl. Good game, better than I thought it would be. Played a little poker afterwards, but there was only 5 of us, so it went quick. Felt a little odd being out without Maria. Not used to going out solo.
On Friday, I was at home when I got text message from Rich Ramos asking me what Taro's balls were. For those that don't know, Taro is the owner of Mikuni's Roseville, as well as several other Mikuni's. Anyway, they're actually called Japanese Bon Bon's, they're fish, I like Hamachi, wrapped around crab meat and shaped like balls. Anyway, I was bitter he was at Mikuni's without me, and so he invited me down. I headed down and met up with him and Ian. We had a beer and some sushi, before agreeing to head back to my place for some Scotch and cigars. I think Ian, who's Scotish, was a little jealous over my golf trip and the Scotch I had around here. But their girls started to nag almost before we got to my place, so the night ended rather early. We agreed to go out this coming Sunday for some golf, then come back to my place and finish what we started, hopefully they will have permission this time out.
Going further back, I took Lorraine out to dinner at Crush 29 on Thursday. It was just the two of us. We had a nice dinner, but it landed in my stomach a little wrong and I didn't feel well on Friday. The night was a little long, as most dinner's with Lorraine are. It was a 3 hour dinner, but Lorraine barely spoke. She doesn't have much to talk about, so it makes for a difficult conversation. She was not feeling her best, but was really excited to get out. I think she needs the outside stimulation because otherwise she won't get out of bed.
That's about it for tonight, I finished my 6.5mi run, so now I got to shower, finish dinner and try and get some sleep. Got a long day tomorrow. Need to get to Lowe's and get some paint so I can patch of the walls from where the dog has tried to eat through them.
Talk to you all later,